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22 Things Only People With OCD Will Understand

Please just leave me alone while I obsessively wash my hands for the next half hour.

1. Order and symmetry are two extremely underrated things that you think about a lot, actually.

2. When it comes to cleaning, you're the only one who knows how to do it just right.

3. And even when you're in someone else's apartment, you feel the overwhelming need to fix things.

4. You know the importance of rituals — and the terror that awaits if you don't perform them.

5. You can be a bit of a hoarder.

6. You're afraid of this nightmare happening every time you pump gas...

7. But this is like winning the damn lottery.

8. This will haunt your dreams for several reasons.

9. Sometimes people say that you think about things "way too much," and deep down you know that they're right.

10. Superstitions? Yes, you know all about those, because you obsessively follow them to a tee.

11. Your closet is organized by color and shade, because any other way would drive you insane.

12. Something that would be seemingly trivial to a normal person can destroy your entire day.

13. Eating is SUPER-duper fun.

14. Dating can also be really, really fun for you and everyone involved.

15. Whenever you tell someone about your OCD, you constantly worry that they'll think you're a total weirdo.

16. Constantly trying to even out your eyebrows, lipstick, and eyeshadow, even though it'll never be perfect enough.

17. You spend a lot of time washing your hands, and just seeing this makes you want to wash them for another half hour.

18. You become consumed with repeatedly checking things, something that you logically know is ridiculous.

19. Your friends are used to your panic attacks by now.

20. If you hear a noise in the night, you can't simply just go back to sleep. You will obsessively check the house until you find the source.

21. Having the same morning routine for getting ready, and being really mad when one of the steps gets compromised.

22. And when anal-retentive people claim to be "totally OCD" about cleaning, this is your reaction: