29 Things Only People Who Are Addicted To Condiments Understand

    Sriracha, Sriracha on everything.

    1. You have more condiments in your fridge than actual food.

    2. So you have at some point, considered this a genuine meal option.

    3. After all, food is just a base for your condiments.

    4. (But also condiments is a food group in its own right).

    5. You like to keep a good stash handy at work.

    6. So naturally you're the go-to for everyone's condiment needs.

    7. You're prepared even when you're on the go.

    Now you never have to be without your fav condiment at your fav place http://t.co/pXvs9AEQD8 @Sriracha2Go #sriracha

    8. Nothing is more glorious than when two of your favourite condiments collaborate.

    BREAKING NEWS! The condiment of gods is about to hit store shelves! SRIRACHA KETCHUP!! #PushPlayEat #FoodieChats

    9. You put your favourite condiment on practically EVERYTHING.

    10. So when you try to put it on food someone else has cooked for you, they're like:

    11. But everything tastes so dry without that something extra.

    12. And if you can't have your sauce with it you'd rather just not eat it at all.

    13. You have a hatred of fast food employees.

    People who work at McDonalds act like the sauces come out of their wages jus throw 5 in the bag and behave.

    14. They just never give you enough of what you ask for.

    15. But you're always willing to fork out if need be.

    16. People who cater to your condiments needs are SIMPLY THE BEST.

    18 years of life on this planet and I've never seen someone so excited over a condiment.

    17. Like restaurants that already have a selection of condiments at the table.

    18. Because then you don't have to endure asking the server for mayo, and ketchup and BBQ sauce and mustard and...

    19. You know if you do have to ask, the server will take ages and you won't be able to eat your food.

    20. Because it just won't taste nearly as good without that little something something.

    21. When it's self-service you can go a bit overboard.

    22. Which explains why you end up giving out sachets of condiments instead of candy at Halloween.

    23. Your dog even has problem.

    24. Often your love affair with condiments gets messy.

    25. And sometimes you like to get a little weird.

    26. There are times where your relationship can cause you great pain.

    27. So you need to remember to practice safety first.

    28. Ultimately, condiments make your world go round.

    29. And so you don't understand people who eat things on their own and claim there's enough flavour.