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17 Moms Who Threw Ice Cold Shade

She brought you into this world, she can throw you out.

1. This mom trying to keep her daughter young.

2. This mom who knows her pop culture references.

3. This mom who's on top of all the trends.

4. This mom just describing her son's best attributes.

5. This mom who has her priorities straight.

6. This mom who knows she's the "hot mom."

7. This mom who isn't joking around.

8. This mom who has a pretty damn good point.

9. This mom who isn't about to do her son's dirty work for him.

10. This mom keeping her husband in check.

11. This mom who can perfectly describe her son.

12. This mom who is quite the lyricist.

13. This mom who knows what she wants.

14. This mom who has had enough of her whiny-ass kid.

15. This mom who is just keepin' it real.

16. This mom who just gets it.

17. And this mom who just wants a clean house.