17 Surprising Food Etiquette Rules From Around The World

    There are rules to stuffing your face, you know.

    1. In Italy, never order cappuccino after a meal.

    Italians never order a milk beverage after a meal because milk hinders digestion. Instead, they'll opt for straight espresso or coffee. No one's going to be outraged at you for ordering a cappuccino, but you might be branded a tourist.

    2. In China, never flip a fish.

    3. ...but feel free to burp while eating.

    4. In Ethiopia, get used to eating off one giant plate.

    5. In Japan, never stick your chopsticks into the rice bowl.

    6. Never pass food from chopsticks to chopsticks.

    7. And when eating sushi... actually, just never eat sushi, because you're probably doing it all wrong.

    8. When visiting friends in Nigeria's Kagoro tribe, don't even think of asking for a spoon if you're a woman.

    9. In America, impress your friends with a place setting that takes up five acres of table space.

    10. In Thailand, don't stick forks in your mouth.

    11. In Korea, take cues from your elders.

    12. Also, never pour your own drink.

    13. When vacationing in Ancient Greece, only eat meat slaughtered via ritual sacrifice.

    14. In the Middle East, eat with your right hand only.

    15. In Britain and America, do all the right things with your teaspoon or risk great shame.

    16. In the U.K., be classy when it comes to soup.

    17. In London, it's OK to fart (as long as you're a giant and you're eating snozzcumbers and drinking frobscottle).

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