This Might Be The Most Patient Cat In The World

    He even has his very own reserved seat.

    At a tram stop in Rotterdam-Kralingen, The Netherlands, you'll find an adorable cat called Ake who has been waiting there every day for 10 whole years.

    He's assembled quite the fanbase because, let's face it, waiting in gloomy weather for your tram to arrive is far more enjoyable with a cute cat on your lap.

    And people love to post their selfies on Ake's Facebook page.

    Yep, that's right, this cat has his very own Facebook fan page called Tram Cat.

    At the stop you'll also find this sign, which reads: "Seat only to be used by black-and-white cat".

    According to tram driver Stefan Zoutewelle, no one would EVER dare ask the cat to scooch up, even if it's raining and everyone's crowded in the shelter.

    Zoutewelle spoke to RTV Rijnmond about his furry companion:

    I've driven past this stop for about 10 years and he's been sitting there every day. A few months ago some of the Erasmus students and other local people discovered the little guy. Now the cat has his very own seat and people feed him.

    Quite regularly the cat will join us and board the tram for a bit. To make sure he doesn't get lost, my colleagues will put him on a tram going back. Everyone knows where the cat has to be.

    He actually gets ON the tram, like an actual human person.

    Ake's 23-year-old owner can't quite believe her cat's sudden rise to fame.

    Bijzondere passagier voor tram 24 bij de Oude Plantage in Rotterdam vanmorgen! @RETRotterdam @rotterdam #kat

    She told Metro that his fan page has allowed her to learn all sorts of new things about him. For starters, she had no idea he actually got on the tram and took those little trips!

    Of course, there is a downside to Ake's celebrity status: People keep feeding him, which isn't good for his chronic illness. The owners had to put a notice up on the Facebook page that said:

    There is only one problem to his daily routine, a lot of people feed him at the tramstop. Of course we think that's very sweet but what you can't see from the outside is that Ake has a chronic illness. Ake, at times, has very bad cystitis what causes his urethra to block making it unable and very painful for him to relieve himself when he has to go.

    We have had to take him to the vet on several occasions to help him with his illness. This illness has already caused him to be on the brink of death because he got acute blood poisoning due to a blockage.
    To ease his pain and to prevent him having another blockage he has to be on a special diet of prescribed dietary food from his vet. That's the only food that's good for him, and besides that other foods make him fat.

    Now as long as everybody keeps Ake healthy, all that's left to do is hope his fame doesn't go to his head!