24 Questions We Have For Clean Freaks

    Seriously, though.

    1. Why do you get upset when there are just a few dishes in the sink?

    2. And why do you inspect all of the clean dishes to make sure they're really clean?

    3. Why do you insist on cleaning the kitchen every night?

    4. Does dirty grout really bother you?

    5. What are you going to do if you ever have children?

    6. Why do you impulse buy pretty cleaning supplies?

    7. Why do you fuss if all the cups aren't on the cup shelf?

    There isn't enough room for them all anyway.

    8. What exactly does "deep clean" mean?

    9. Why do you insist on taking the garbage out half-full?

    10. Why do you judge us when we turn down your hand sanitizer?

    11. What on earth makes you think you need to wash your dishwasher?

    12. How much white vinegar do you go through every year?

    13. Is bacteria really so bad?

    14. Do you really need to wipe down the top of the cabinets with bleach?

    15. Does cleaning your iron every time it gets a little grimy really make it easier to get the wrinkles out?

    16. Why do you insist on spraying Pledge on everything?

    17. Does a toothbrush ~really~ scrub out more gunk than a normal cleaning cloth would?

    18. Can't clean laundry go for just a few days without being folded and put away?

    19. Why is vacuuming your car every single week even worth your time?

    20. Do you realize that leaving sticky notes to remind us to clean things is just passive-aggressive?

    21. Why do you go around throwing away other people's trash?

    When your mom makes you collect all the water bottles in your room because "you have too many" Count: 28

    Maybe I was saving that cereal box for a reason!

    22. Is it really so embarrassing for your parents to see your house if you haven't picked things up?

    23. Why do you insist on keeping your cleaning supplies so organized?

    24. And, by the way, where the hell did you put my shoes?