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It's Time To Take Out The Trash Men In Our Lives


Friends, countrywomen, I have gathered you here today for a very important occasion. It is time to take out the trash.

In 2015 in the year of our lord Oprah Gail Winfrey, let us remember that "no" is a complete sentence and it is a complete sentence we should be lobbing at the trash in our lives.

1. Say no to any fuckboy who thinks any of this is ok:

My friend just sent me this break-up message she received after 7 weeks of dating. My fav reason for split is #3

Alright, alright. I think you're all ready for how he signed off. #part2 #breakuptext

2. Say no to babies.

3. Say no to the creepy ass male gaze.

4. Say no to people who don't respect your space.

5. Say no to men who are only empathetic to their hypothetical, future daughters.

6. Say no to men who have no concept of female sexuality.

7. Say no to this narrative.

Fuckboy: wow she's naked and obviously just looking for attention, she has no self respect Doctor: "Sir she was born 3 minutes ago"

8. Say no to this entitlement.

9. Say no to this absurdly gendered world.

10. Say no to misogynists.

11. Say no to the logic of "high maintenance."

"High maintenance" is a great way to make a woman who puts tons of effort into her own life sound like a burden on a man.

12. Say no to grown men who still don't understand the heart of this question.

13. Say no to abusive behavior everywhere it manifests.

14. Say no to cruel jokes.

15. Say no to men without an ounce of self-awareness.

16. Say no to this aura in your space.

17. Say no to men who think their unsolicited beauty advice is relevant.

18. Say no to all the garbage things men not only think but feel compelled to share with us.

19. Say no to anyone who doesn't value consent.

20. Say no to men who cannot handle women who love themselves.

21. Say no to straight white boys texting.

Glorious GIF art by Astro-Pop.

22. Just say no.

23. Channel your inner Powerpuff Girl.

24. Cackle.

25. Scheme.

26. Prioritize yourself.

27. Remind them of basic economics.

in 2014 don't forget that dick is abundant & low-value

28. Have fun.

29. Clap back.
