A Newborn Unexpectedly Pooped On His Father's Back During A Photo Shoot

    A cute little shitshow.

    Newborn photo shoots are an adorable way to document the early days of a child's life. So naturally first-time parents Mark and Shayna Resnick of Sarasota, Florida, were stoked about doing a shoot with their 10-day-old son, Asher.

    Photographer Gigi O'Dea told BuzzFeed that the parents wanted one particular shot showcasing Asher with the father's tattoo.

    O'Dea said that the shot took a while to set up, and once they pulled off Asher's diaper, he exploded and squirted poop all over his father's back.

    Father Mark told Today how it all went down.

    The Resnicks were good sports and wanted to share their parenting moment with the world. They uploaded the photo to the Life of Dad Facebook page. Since being shared, the post has gone viral and has over 63,000 likes and 11,000 shares to date.

    Facebook: lifeofdad

    Parents have also been chiming in in the comment section with their own stories of baby-related bodily functions.

    O'Dea, who is also a nurse and has been working with babies for over 20 years, said babies making a mess during a shoot isn't uncommon, but Asher took it the extra mile. "I have never had a baby pee, poop, and spit up in one sitting," she said.

    She stressed that the Resnicks were a lot of fun to work with and added that the baby's "eruption" also caused an eruption of laughter.

    "Never have I had such a happy baby before. He was probably scheming the whole time" she added.

    Oh baby!