A Reminder That The Most Dangerous Jeans Are Actually JNCOs

    Clarification: I am not a doctor. (Lol can you imagine?)

    In the wake of the news regarding skinny jeans and their hazardous potential, questions are being raised (by me) about another genre of jean.

    JNCO Jeans, a wide-leg style of jeans that found its popularity in the 90's and no other time ever, is often considered to be one of the ugliest trends in fashion. But given their obscenely large pant width, shouldn't these jeans also be considered the most dangerous fashion trend?

    Some pairs of JNCO Jeans can reach a leg opening size greater than 50 inches. To help the younger generation visualize this, 50 inches of leg-hole space is about 6 iPad Minis long.

    Maybe it wasn't just the ugliness of the dress-sized pant legs that contributed to the fading of the JNCO jean trend.

    Can you imagine trying to rush anywhere in these things? What if there was a small pothole in the ground, but because of the size of your pants you didn't notice it?

    One trip to the hospital later, and you'd never be seen in another pair of JNCO Jeans.

    Hungry for the truth, I decided to search the internet, preparing myself for the many gruesome stories I was sure I would read.




    Much to my disappointment, I could find no evidence of JNCO Jeans causing anyone physical harm. BUT given that their heyday was in the 90's, a time before internet product reviews, I am not going to rule out the possibility of danger.

    In fact, there are many rumors about the return of the JNCO Jeans. So consider this a warning. If you wear JNCO Jeans, please watch where you're stepping. If you do buy a pair, maybe just use them for sitting down. Designate them as your official Sitting Pants. Please. Your loved ones will thank you.