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22 Reasons You Should Definitely Eat The Yolk

This post will seriously egg you on.

1. Yolk porn is an art, really.

2. It needs to be attractive...

3. ...but also a little nauseating.

4. To capture the breaking of a yolk takes tremendous skill.

5. Or just a heck of a lot of luck.

6. And just like everyone on the Earth...

7. ...no two yolks are created equal.

8. Some are big...

9. ...and some are small.

10. Some are neat...

11. ...and others are messy.

12. But no matter what...

13. ...each yolk is essential to the egg.

14. Maybe we should all take a moment...

15. ...to appreciate the beauty of the yolk.

16. Because without the yolk...

17. There would be no color...

18. ...no vibrance...

19. ...and no substance to the egg.

20. So in conclusion, we must praise the yolk.

21. Because just like Beyoncé...

22. ...the egg yolk truly is ~flawless~.

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