12 Foods That Are So Much Better When You Grow Up

    Bribing is no longer necessary.

    As a child, beans are either dry and paste-like or runny and full of little hot dogs.

    As an adult, the "musical fruit" is also flavorful, spicy, and a great source of protein.

    Remember when you thought it was every adult's idea of a sick joke to make you eat those baby trees and their albino friends?

    But now they are the ultimate roasted fantasy.

    I mean, you can even make them into a savory and crusty treat.

    And did you know they have a magnificent mutant cousin called Romanesco?

    As a child, peas are how you know your parents hate you.

    As an adult, you know they are why butter was invented.

    As a child, you wonder why they have a tail and why on earth are they bleeding?!

    And now you know the juice is the secret to their sweet and rich flavor.

    Which adds complexity when transformed into a mustardy spread.

    Back then, if it wasn't drowning in cheese, it wasn't happening.

    These days, only a few ingredients are needed to showcase the tangy flavor of this delicious blossom.

    Or, you can play up its savory side and add it as an alternative to traditionally meaty dishes.

    As a child — NOPE!

    You wouldn't even know these tasty little fungi can be made to trick your mind into thinking it's meat.

    Or go ahead and stuff them with actual meat for a creamy one-bite wonder.

    As a child, you weren't convinced Popeye only got his strength from spinach.

    But these days it takes everything in you not to roll up and smoke these beloved leaves.

    As a child, all you see is green, mushy (yet somehow still firm!) agony.

    As an adult, playing with the texture even more by frying can make creamy and rich avocados the crunchiest berries around.

    As a child, you are in no way amused by these smelly-feet cabbage turds.

    Now you really want to know why on earth your parents kept boiling these precious pearls of yum.

    As a child, you know that's the plant that ate all those people.

    But right now this grilled wedge has you saying, "Feed me, Seymour!"

    As a child, this lame magic wand's only power is to make your pee smell.

    As an adult, these spears of flavor are easy to cook and easier to enjoy.

    Thank goodness you're all grown up!

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