11 Fashion Mistakes All Women Should Avoid

    Do you wanna be stylish or not?

    1. Trying to wear pants as a shirt.

    2. Wearing a shoe as a hat.

    3. Stuffing your bra full of hamsters.

    4. Covering your sweaters in mayonnaise.

    5. Mixing floral prints with lighter fluid and an open flame.

    6. Finding a good tailor and then getting right in that tailor's face and screaming, "Stay out of my life, you moron!"

    7. Hooking bananas into each one of your belt loops.

    8. Using a dead fish as a clutch.

    9. Wearing horizontal stripes with large, inexplicable blood stains.

    10. Wearing doughnuts as shoes.

    11. Accessorizing with angry bees.