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12 Really Important Reasons You Are Running Late

So you're running late, who cares? You have a perfectly good reason. #DitchTheDrama with Aussie.

1. You couldn't decide whether or not it was worth it to shave your legs.

2. You strained a muscle trying to fit into your favorite pants that "shrank in the dryer."

3. Someone from high school liked your picture online, and you had to investigate why...for several hours.

4. You couldn't find a hair tie, and you were worried it's because your dog is eating all of them.

5. You were hand washing your favorite (and now stained) shirt because you just had to eat something before you left.

6. You moved the couch to find the controller and ended up moving around the entire living room.

7. Your "Divas of the '90s" playlist came on, and you couldn't...stop...dancing.

8. You tried some "fun" nail art, got carried away, then were too invested to turn back.

9. You got halfway there and realized you had pit stains, so you stopped for some emergency shopping.

10. You were talking to your roommate about really important things like the TV marathon they were watching.

11. You made the tiniest of snacks (OK, several) and had to lie down for a minute.

12. You didn't realize until you were walking out the door that your phone was at 10% — leaving wasn't an option.

Things come up! No worries, we've all been there. #DitchTheDrama with Aussie and make beautiful beach waves the easiest part of your summer.

View this video on YouTube / Via Courtesy of Aussie