Just Another Day In Australia As A Kangaroo Knocks Over A Cyclist

    Hop on your bike.

    Kangaroos are fairly common in Australia, so much so that roadsigns dot the country warning drivers to keep a lookout.

    But what about cyclists? A woman in Canberra has captured the moment a kangaroo sprung out from nowhere, colliding with her bike on one of the Aussie capital's main roads.

    View this video on YouTube


    The roo jumped out as Bronwyn Calver was riding with her GoPro near Australia's Parliament House on Monday night.

    "I escaped relatively unscathed with no broken bones but a severely grazed and bruised elbow, grazed hip and eight stitches in my knee," Calver wrote on YouTube.

    Unfortunately, the Kangaroo wasn't so lucky.

    R.I.P., little bud.