85 Things That Are More Important Than What Colour The Dress Is

    (Though it's obviously black and blue, FYI.)

    1. Your family.

    2. Your friends.

    3. Your plans this weekend.

    4. What you're having for dinner.

    5. Who 'A' is on Pretty Little Liars.

    6. Ice cream.

    7. Deciding what flavour ice cream you should have after dinner.

    8. Deciding if you should just skip dinner and have ice cream instead.

    9. Whatever is on TV tonight.

    10. Cap'n Crunch donut balls.

    11. Just any type of breakfast cereal really.

    12. Reading a book.

    13. Reading a trashy novel.

    14. Llamas.

    15. Alpacas.

    16. Learning the difference between llamas and alpacas.

    17. Enjoying the sunshine.

    18. Enjoying the cold.

    19. Enjoying mild weather.

    20. Chocolate.

    21. Finding new justifications for eating chocolate for breakfast.

    22. Realising you're an adult and you can eat whatever you damn well please.

    23. This duck who got stuck in ice and had to be rescued.

    24. Exercising.

    25. Spending a whole day in bed binge-watching TV shows.

    26. Finally being able to watch House of Cards season 3.

    27. Watching 50 Shades of Grey.

    28. Not watching 50 Shades of Grey.

    29. Not letting other opinions dictate what the hell you do with your life.

    30. Biting into a fresh, juicy slice of watermelon.

    31. Jumping castles.

    32. Being able to jump in a jumpy castle as an adult.

    33. Instagram.

    34. Mindlessly scrolling through Instagram and silently judging everyone.

    35. Literally anything and everything that Beyonce does.

    36. The Screamapillar from The Simpsons.

    37. Cleaning your bathroom.

    38. Swimming.

    39. Swimming in salt water that is the perfect temperature.

    40. Taking a bubble bath.

    41. Drinking wine in a bubble bath.

    42. Taking a bubble bath with someone else.

    43. Trying to do nail art.

    44. Laughing.

    45. Crying.

    46. Crying in a Disney movie.

    47. Spending time with your own thoughts.

    48. Meditating.

    49. Listening to music really loudly.

    50. Learning all the dance moves in the "Single Ladies" film clip, even though that's so 2008.

    51. Travelling.

    52. Going on a road trip.

    53. Giving flowers to someone you love.

    54. Daytime TV.

    55. Watching Dr. Phil and actually taking his advice.

    56. Cooking shows.

    57. Buying a pack of Jelly Bellys and giving each flavour a score out of ten.

    58. Reading the comment section of online articles.

    59. The fact that penguins have knees.

    60. Learning all the lyrics to every song on 1989.

    61. Clicking 'random article' on Wikipedia and disappearing into the dark depths of the internet.

    62. Baking.

    63. Trying (and possibly failing) to recreate Pinterest DIYs.

    64. Mayonnaise.

    65. Reading the news.

    66. Not reading the news and not feeling bad about it.

    67. Paying $7 for a bottle of ~artesian~ water.

    68. Watching every Harry Potter movie in one day.

    69. Stalking your exes on Facebook.

    70. Spending a lot of money on something silly you don't need.

    71. Cat photos.

    72. Dog photos.

    73. Photos of any cute animal.

    74. Let It Go.

    75. Going to the dentist.

    76. Rereading your favourite childhood book.

    77. Kimye.

    78. Writing a bucket list.

    79. Crossing things off your bucket list.

    80. Reading comics.

    81. Coming up with a rapper name for yourself.

    82. John Travolta.

    83. Coming up with ridiculous 'Would You Rather' questions.

    84. Watching every Kate Hudson movie ever made.

    85. Literally anything else.