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19 Misconceptions People With Anxiety Want To Set Straight

Because "taking a deep breath" doesn't fix all.

We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the most annoying misconceptions people have about anxiety. Here are their responses to set the record straight.

1. First of all, anxiety's a real condition — not just a buzzword.

2. And there doesn't always have to be a tangible reason behind feeling anxious.

3. Sometimes, it hits out of absolutely nowhere.

4. Having anxiety affects people both mentally and physically.

5. There are actually many different kinds of anxiety.

6. And having it isn't a quirk. If someone tells you they are anxious, take them seriously!

7. Anxiousness isn't something that can just simply be controlled, and it's not just a phase.

8. Telling us to calm down actually makes things worse.

9. Suggesting that we meditate isn't very helpful advice.

10. And medication isn't an instant fix. If it were, though, that'd be incredible, right?

11. No, we DO NOT enjoy being anxious.

12. We are not pretending to have an illness to get attention.

13. In fact, most people prefer to be left alone when having a panic attack.

14. We're not trying to come off as rude, angry, or lazy.

15. Just because we get anxious about seemingly irrational things, doesn't mean we aren't logical people.

16. Living with anxiety can get seriously exhausting.

17. Just because we don't act like we're on edge, doesn't mean we're not.

18. However, if you have a friend who's anxious, the best way to help is to be kind, or just listen.

19. And, most importantly, having anxiety DOES NOT make someone weak.

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