17 Things Picky Eaters Don't Want To Hear At Thanksgiving

    No, I don't want any turkey.

    1. "How much turkey do you want?"

    2. "C'mon, don't those roasted turkey legs look so delicious?"

    3. "Really? All that wine on an empty stomach?"

    4. "Why do you need ketchup? It's going to ruin the taste!"

    5. "You should really try the stuffing — it's Grandma's special recipe!"

    6. "Come on, you *really* don't like cranberry sauce? Have you even tried it?"

    7. "Are you sure you don't want anything else?"

    8. "You still eat like a little kid. Why don't you grow up?"

    9. "Don't ask what's in it if you're not going to eat it anyway!"

    10. "Why don't you make a dish of something you'll actually eat?"

    11. "Your plate is so empty. Are you really going to only eat corn bread and mashed potatoes?"

    12. "Don't you want seconds? Go back for seconds!"

    13. "You seriously can't find ONE THING on this table that you like?"

    14. "Aren't you hungry?"

    15. “You really need to broaden your horizons.”

    16. "Thanksgiving dinner is the best meal all year, I don't understand how you don't like it."

    17. "Are you just going to go home later and order pizza?"