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14 Hacks To Really Up Your Gardening Game This Spring

Garden on fleek. Anyone can get a great garden with Miracle-Gro.

1. Germinate seedlings indoors in a citrus rind.

2. Or use a cardboard egg carton for multiple seedlings.

3. When planting from seeds, soak them first to minimize germination time.

4. Make a portable, upcycled watering can.

5. DIY a hanging garden with a bath caddy and some felt.

6. Use wine corks on bamboo skewers to label your beautiful plants.

7. Use toilet paper to evenly space seedlings.

8. Repurpose rotisserie chicken containers into mini greenhouses.

9. Use an upside-down bottle to water plants when you’re absent.

10. Bamboo can help you create a one-pot spiral garden.

11. Use muffin tins and newspaper to make seed bombs.

12. Poke holes in a plastic bottle and plant it mostly underground to create an in-soil drip waterer.

13. Corks screwed to a board create evenly spaced, perfectly sized holes.

14. Soak a sponge in sugar water for a DIY butterfly feeder.

The ultimate hack? Start your garden right with Miracle-Gro.

All images by Sarah Stone / BuzzFeed.