19 Things You Should Never Say To A Working Parent

    We don't get paid enough to deal with your crap.

    1. “Your house must be a mess!”

    2. "You must really miss your kids when you’re at work."

    3. "Don’t you feel like you’re missing out on everything?"

    4. "Don't you worry your kids will get sick at daycare?"

    5. "Did you see that Dateline about the daycare where the workers turned out to be sadistic nuts?"

    6. "I bet you’ll be glad to go back to work on Monday."

    7. "You look so exhausted!"

    8. "I could never let someone else raise my kids."

    9. “I wish I could hire someone to watch my kids!”

    10. "Your kid is acting out because he doesn’t get enough parenting."

    11. "Raising a child is the most important job there is."

    12. "Why did you have kids if you have to work to afford them?"

    13. "I don’t know how you do it. Don't you feel guilty?"

    14. "Do you think your kids miss you during the day?"

    15. "You wouldn’t understand. You’re not with them all day."

    16. “You should make some sacrifices so one of you can stay home.”

    17. “I don’t understand how you could chose your career over your kids.”

    18. “Have you heard of that study they did about kids in daycare?”

    19. “You’re a great provider.”

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