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A Rihanna Meet And Greet Vs. An Avril Lavigne Meet And Greet

Bow down to the queen of meet and greets: RIHANNA.

Back story: It's being reported that Avril Lavigne fans spent $400 to take insanely awkward pictures with her in Brazil. Apparently Avril has a "no touching" policy and everyone looks like they're dying inside.

WHICH REMINDED ME... Rihanna has the best meet and greet pictures.

Now let's compare.

An Avril Lavigne meet and greet:

A Rihanna meet and greet:

An Avril Lavigne meet and greet:

A Rihanna meet and greet:

In conclusion, you probably shouldn't spend $400 to take a picture with Avril Lavigne and we all need to be felt up by Rihanna immediately.