Can Eggplant Please Stop Being The Only Vegetarian Option?

    Please, make it stop.

    When you don't eat meat, you’re used to having limited options.

    Whether you're at a restaurant, wedding, or work event, you're always relieved to find there's something for you at all.

    But let’s talk about how that something is frequently eggplant.

    If you love eggplant, that’s great. More power to you.

    But not everyone has the strength to eat eggplant all the time, to withstand its sponginess, to chew through its rubbery skin.

    Sure, eggplant has it’s moments. It's *fine* every once in a while.

    But that high quality stock photo isn't fooling anyone. Truth is, it usually looks a little something like this:

    Sure, one veg option is better than none. But where is the variety??? The creativity???

    If you are a restaurant and yr only vegetarian option is a roasted veg sandwich heavily featuring eggplant, YOU ARE NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH!

    There's so much more to life than this.
