James Franco Just Got Bar Mitzvahed


    James Franco finally became a man this weekend when he got Bar Mitzvahed at the age of 37.

    Didn't realize he was Jewish? Well he is. His mom is Jewish. That means Dave Franco is ALSO jewish. So yes, the Francos are nice Jewish boys. Go tell your Grandma.

    Anyway, back to James getting Bar Mitzvahed. It's actually for charity and to raise awareness for Alzheimers.

    At 37, leading actor James Franco decides to get called to the Torah with proper bar mitzvah http://t.co/CCipNuECW9

    His fellow Jewish friend Seth Rogen is throwing him a celebration party as part of his Hilarity For Charity event. You can actually maybe attend.

    Wondering how he did? Well according to the Rabbi who was there with him, he did great, but sang the Shema badly.

    Facebook: rabbibrian

    Ah, the true spirit of a Bar Mitzvah, wobbly Hebrew.

    Mazel Tov James Franco, welcome to adulthood.