21 Unexpected Side Effects Of Working 9 To 5

    Coffee. Commute. Coffee. Commute.

    1. If you're not a morning person you will become one. Sort of.

    2. You will figure out exactly how much time you need to get ready in the morning.

    3. Coffee intake has a threshold and you will find yours.

    4. You will develop a relationship with your GPS of choice.

    5. You will watch Office Space on a whole other level.

    6. Every purchase you make will somehow try to be written off as a work expense.

    7. The last thing you will want on your birthday is cake.

    8. You will become uncommonly territorial about your desk space.

    9. Judging co-workers outfits will be a daily thing, even if you are dressed questionably.

    10. Your co-workers poop schedule will be memorized, whether you like it or not.

    11. Co-workers who listen to music without headphones will become your mortal enemy.

    12. Even if you just ate, if free lunch is delivered you will eat it.

    13. You will seriously think about investing in a treadmill desk.

    14. You will be amazed by how much your snack intake will increase.

    15. You will have a week where everyday feels like a Friday, but it's really only Wednesday.

    16. You will bow at the altar which is the IT department.

    17. Someone will annoyingly hum somewhere in the office, but you won't be able to find out who exactly.

    18. Overly cheery co-workers will get on your last nerve.

    19. Your DVR will pile up with shows you are too tired to watch.

    20. The weekend will never come soon enough, but Monday always will.

    21. However, at the end of the day you will feel victorious as the clock strikes 5.