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21 Things That No Longer Bother You After Having Kids

The old you would never believe it.

1. Being naked in front of people.

2. Drinking a lot of coffee.

3. "Baby On Board!" signs.

4. The inside of your car being a mess.

5. Yelling at someone in public.

6. Barney.

7. Your mom.

8. Kids throwing tantrums in public.

9. Waiting in line when you're alone.

10. Kids at restaurants.

11. Dirty diapers.

12. Spit up, runny noses, and ear wax.

13. Looking like crap in public.

14. Photos of kids and babies on Facebook.

15. That one friend who is always totally out of the loop.

16. Parties that start early.

17. Not serving alcohol after the seventh inning.

18. Not watching something live on TV

19. Your friends with kids who are always too busy to get together.

20. Sharing your food.

21. Going to the bathroom in front of people.

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