17 Words That Have A Completely Different Meaning When You're A Dog

    BuzzFeed UK has an office dog, Phineas, so we asked him to help come up with this handy guide.

    1. "Sofa"

    2. "Cat"

    3. "Friends"

    4. "Supermarket"

    5. "Walk"

    6. "Tail"

    7. "Chair"

    8. "Bin"

    9. "Thunderstorm"

    10. "Bath"

    11. "Hat"

    12. "Fetch"

    13. "Lunch"

    14. "Ball"

    15. "Work"

    16. "Toilet paper"

    17. "Nap"

    With thanks to Phineas (Instagram here), and his human, Nicole.