"The Lord Of The Rings" Words Guessed By People Who Know Nothing About Middle-Earth

    Sure, we like to Shire. Sorry, but we've never read or seen anything related to Lord of the Rings.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    The Shire is known to be a village where all the hobbits live.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    Legolas is the elven character that Orlando Bloom plays. He was part of the Fellowship of the Ring.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    She is the co-ruler and guardian of Lothlórien.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    Frodo is the protagonist of the franchise. He is a hobbit who inherits the ring.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    Shelob is a giant spider that Frodo has to fight on his way to destroy the ring.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    Lembas is elven bread. It is also called Waybread.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    Bilbo is another hobbit from the Shire. Bilbo is Frodo's relative (a much older cousin) and guardian.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    Ents are magical tree-like creatures that talk. They protect the forests from the orcs.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    Sauron is the baddest of them all. He is an evil necromancer who created the ring Frodo is trying to destroy.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    Rivendell is an elven outpost in Middle-earth. It was founded in the Second Age.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    Moria is an underground city with mines. Dwarfs live there.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    Isengard is one of the three fortresses of Gondor. It was also became the personal realm of the evil wizard Saruman.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    He was a great, valiant warrior who was well-known in Gondor.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    Bree is a village of men located near the Shire. It is based off the real village of Brill in Buckinghamshire, England.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    A balrog is an evil fiery monster with horns and wings. Sometimes it carries a sword.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    Gondor is greatest realm of men in Middle-earth.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    Rohan is a kingdom of men situated between the Misty Mountains and the White Mountains.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    It's the name of two different forests in Middle-earth. One of them fell under the influence of Sauron.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    Mordor is the region that Sauron rules.

    Actual Middle-earth definition:

    The Uruk-hai are advanced orc-like creatures that serve Sauron and Saruman.