9 Delightful Sayings From Around The World

    We should really just add these to our language. Thanks to Hotel Club.

    1. "Päästää sammakko suusta" (Finnish).

    2. "Alimentar um burro a pão-de-ló" (Portuguese).

    3. "Nie mój cyrk, nie moje malpy" (Polish).

    4. "Le démon de midi" (French).

    5. "In bocca al lupo" (Italian).

    6. "At have en pind i øret" (Danish).

    7. "Dar calabazas a alguien" (Spanish).

    8. "Kao ga hiro i" (Japanese).

    9. "Katzensprung" (German).

    10. Bonus: "Exatj zajcem" (Russian).

    With thanks to Hotel Club. All illustrations by Marcus Oakley.