Behold The Mesmerizing 3-In-1 Pie Cake Our World Needs Right Now

    The Food Network and Three Brothers Bakery are the heroes your kitchen deserves.

    What has three kinds of pie, three kinds of cake, and is a testament to limitlessness of the human imagination?

    A PumPecApple, that's what!

    To make a PumPecApple, you take a fully baked apple pie and slam that sucker down into traditional spice cake batter.

    Cover it up with the rest of the batter to create a tasty, hidden surprise.

    Then you smoosh a pecan pie into a tinful of chocolate cake batter.

    Yeah you do. Smoosh that pie.

    Finally, you slap a pumpkin pie into — you better have guessed it — PUMPKIN. SPICE. CAKE. BATTER.

    Bake your cakes. Stack 'em up. And smother your Jenga tower of deliciousness in smooth buttercream frosting.

    You now have yourself a PumPecApple!

    Check out the full video of the Three Brothers Bakery's PumPecApple process on Food Network.