25 Surefire Signs You Work In PR

    Coffee runs through your veins.

    1. You have 100% without a doubt sent an email to someone important that says "pubic relations" instead of "public relations."

    2. Your to-do list somehow gets longer each day, and nothing actually gets crossed off before 3 p.m.

    3. More often than not, you wake up in the middle of the night just to check your email.

    4. You know that even when you're on vacation, you're not really on vacation.

    5. You've mastered the art of saying the exact same thing, eight different ways.

    6. You ALWAYS know what is going on in the news.

    7. You are amazing at handling rejection, because you get rejected by your clients on the reg.

    8. No one really understands what you do on a day-to-day basis.

    9. A dying phone battery is the bane of your existence.

    10. Your inbox has literally never been empty.

    11. You don't understand "private" Twitter profiles.

    12. You actually expect people to compare you to Samantha from Sex and the City by this point.

    13. The AP Stylebook is pretty much your bible.

    14. You laugh when you see up-and-coming PR newbies because they have no idea what they've gotten themselves into.

    15. When a PR crisis flares up, you get flashbacks to your own crises.

    16. You have so many Google Alerts set up that you sometimes forget why you added one in the first place.

    17. You've gone to SEVERAL parties where you can't actually party because your client's entire world depends on you.

    18. You have a long list of notes on your phone stemming from middle-of-the-night thoughts about a new campaign idea.

    19. You attend meetings with your clients while working on a pitch for another client because there are NOT enough hours in the day.

    20. You went from researching for your history class to researching for your new client that produces vodka.

    21. You're used to working with a nearly impossible deadline.

    22. Post-it notes are your best friend and worst enemy.

    23. When you go out to dinner with co-workers, not much talking actually happens.

    24. Coffee is your saving grace every morning, afternoon, and evening.

    25. And no matter how much your job stresses you out and tests your limits, you honestly can't imagine doing anything else.