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18 Ways To Make The Best Of Your Twenties

Being a twentysomething doesn't have to be horrifying. According to three people who have lived through their twenties.

1. Don't go on Facebook or Twitter when you're drunk.

2. Don't stay at a job you hate.

3. Don't be afraid to take risks.

4. See things through, whether it be a project or ending a relationship smoothly — try to finish what you start.

5. Don't be afraid to say good-bye to friends who are toxic or trying to hold you back.

6. Travel in your early twenties as much as possible.

7. Learn to save money.

8. Don't be too hard on yourself.

9. And don't be hard on others — stop acting like you're still in high school.

10. Don't be dumb about sex.

11. Spend more time with your family, because you're finally in an age range where you can grow closer to them.

12. Lots of people your age are going to be more successful than you, but comparing yourself isn't going to get you any closer to being them.

13. Learn to take criticism, because you really DON'T KNOW IT ALL.

14. Don't waste time with getting into passive-aggressive fights, online or IRL.

15. Spend quality time with your friends that doesn't involve going to a bar and texting other people.

16. Learn to embrace getting older and remember turning 30 is NOT the end of the world.

17. You will date lots of people who are WRONG for you. So DON'T overthink and/or stress out if it doesn't work out.

18. Don't worry about what others think of you. Act goofy and be embarrassing without shame.

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