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23 Awkward Moments Every Introvert Understands

Ban elevators!

1. Going to a party and instantly regretting it.

2. When your friend wants to invite someone else to hang out with the two of you.

3. Two words: grocery shopping.

4. Having a crush on a fellow introvert that turns into a standoff because no one wants to make the first move.

5. When a plumber, the cable guy, your landlord, or movers come to your apartment to do something.

6. Waiting in line for a one-person bathroom with someone.

7. When people mistake your desire for solitude for depression.

8. Not listening when everyone's going around the room and saying their name and a fun fact, because you're quietly rehearsing what you're going to say.

9. Wanting to back out of large group activities.

10. When someone asks, "Are you OK? Why are you so quiet?" for the zillionth time.

11. When you hear voices in the kitchen and realize that to go get a drink of water you're going to have to meet your roommate's friends.

12. You finally think of something to say and everyone else has moved on to other topics.

13. Elevators.

14. Talking to authority figures OR really attractive people.

15. When your mom asks you to show her best friend's niece's lab partner around town.

16. Texting to avoid talking to people at parties.

17. Spotting someone you know in public and pretending you don't see them.

18. Getting to the bar before your friend.

19. When your phone rings and it's an UNKNOWN NUMBER.

20. When your friends don't understand why you need to leave the party early.

21. People singing "Happy Birthday" to you.

22. When everyone around you is being loud and annoying while you're trying to have me time.

23. When someone cancels plans on you and apologizes profusely, but you were about to cancel on them anyway.