26 Remarkable Portraits Of Gender Reassignment In Cuba

    Photographer Claudia Gonzalez provides an intimate perspective on gender reassignments in the nation of Cuba.

    Photographer Claudia Gonzalez captures the remarkable transformation of individuals choosing to undergo gender reassignment in Cuba.

    Her project, Reassign, offers a sensitive perspective of individuals who feel that their gender assigned at birth is inadequate for representing their true identities.

    Unfortunately, many of them have met harsh societal discrimination as gender reassignment continues to be a taboo subject in Western society.

    Which is why Claudia hoped to use her photographs to shatter societal assumptions that feed discrimination against transgender communities.

    Claudia writes, "Being aware of the great achievements at the Cuban National Center for Sex Education, I came up with the idea to allow people to understand with a glimpse into the lives of transgender individuals."

    Claudia took much of her art direction from the subjects, allowing them to choose when, where, and how they wished to be photographed.

    Allowing them the power to represent themselves in the manner that they felt most comfortable in their own skin.

    Claudia Gonzalez is Chilean photographer. To view more of her work, check out her website at http://claudiagonzalez.com/

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