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20 Things People Who Hate Mornings Know To Be True

Please don't talk to me before 9am.

1. You shower the night before so you can sleep in for an extra 15 minutes.

2. You also pick your outfit the night before...

3. ...as well as preparing your lunch. Preparation = more zzzz's.

4. You often skip breakfast so you can sleep longer.

5. Your mornings revolve around hitting your snooze button repetitively.

6. And as soon as your alarm goes off, the first phrases you utter are all swearwords.

7. Your life is all about setting a new record for getting ready.

8. You are incapable of stringing together coherent sentences before 9am.

9. In fact, you avoid all conversations/people before 9 am.

10. You struggle through public transport every morning.

11. And more often than not, you’re late for work.

12. You get super confused when people rave about how amazing the sunrise was.

13. What is a sunrise?

14. Do they know sunsets are actually way better?

15. You have perpetual resting bitchface until at least noon.

16. As a result, people are often asking you why you're so angry.

17. Um, because, it’s too early to be up, idiots, more like, WHY ARE YOU SO HAPPY?!

18. You spend your days counting down the hours until you see your one true love again.

19. And your week counting down to your Saturday sleep-in.

20. But on the plus side, you're super productive at night-time when everyone else is sleeping.