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Here's How To Be Cool On Instagram, According To A Teen

Go from InstaSHAM to InstaDAMN.

Let's face it: Instagram is a game; cutthroat and at times agonizing. Garnering likes and followers is no easy task unless you're a Kardashian (or have dated one).

Who have I enlisted to "achieve Instagram fire," in her own words? My teenage sister, Grace.

These are the Rules of Instagram:

1. Timing is EVERYTHING.

2. Also, don't post too much.

3. BUT if it is a big week in your life, feel free to post more than usual.

4. Selfies have STRICT rules.

5. Filters are for Brita pitchers, not Instagram.

6. Keep your caption game strong.

7. TBTs have to ACTUALLY be TBTs.

8. Be ruthless when it comes to following people.

9. The Kardashians are a great example of what to do — and what NOT to do — on Instagram.

10. Putting your account on private is just plain old weird.

11. Use the buddy system!

12. And most important, have some fun and don't take it too seriously. It's Instagram, after all.

Happy 'gramming!