19 Times Cenobites Perfectly Described Your Night Out

    Who knew going out was JUST like being trapped in Hellraiser? Time to raise Hell, bbs.

    1. When you and the squad looking cute af.

    2. When you enter the club and everyone else is jealous and pressed.

    3. When you realize it's way too dark to see anything in this club.

    4. When the DJ plays your song.

    5. When you want to dance but also don't want to put your drink down.

    6. When the bass drops.

    7. When the club has no place to sit.

    8. When you wonder if your makeup is going to make it through the night.

    9. When your drunk friend texts their terrible ex.

    10. When everyone is taking pictures and you just want to DANCE.

    11. When someone wearing flat shoes says their feet are in pain.

    12. When you spy someone hot...

    13. ...and get so thirsty you can't even speak.

    14. ...and go straight into THOT mode.

    15. When the line for the bathroom finally clears up and you open that stall door.

    16. When you just want to be home but your Uber driver won't stop making small talk.

    17. The moment you realize you are actually VERY DRUNK.

    18. When it's 3 a.m. and you want pizza but everything is closed.

    19. When you get home and can finally remove your shoes and bra.