18 Panic-Inducing Moments Every Thirtysomething Has

    "Where'd that mole come from?"

    1. When the last of your single friends gets married and you come to the realization that you will die alone.

    2. When you realize that drinking just two beers will give you a hangover.

    3. When you realize you’re the oldest person at the singles table at a wedding.

    4. When you run into a friend you haven’t seen since you were both in your early twenties and they look OLD, and then you wonder if you look the same.

    5. When you explain your life situation to someone and they say, “Well, at least you’re not 40 yet.”

    6. When you’re shopping at the hip clothing store and the clerk asks if you are shopping for your kid.

    7. When all your adult friends are talking about their mortgages, and you realize you don’t even have a savings account.

    8. When your “skinny” jeans become your “no way are you ever fitting in these again” jeans.

    9. When you realize that tattoo you got in college is slowly moving toward the equator.

    10. When you realize your 401k is that box of Beanie Babies in your parents' basement.

    11. When you spot a mole, and you can’t tell if it's old or new.

    12. When you see kids wearing Nirvana T-shirts in the same way you once wore a Doors one.

    13. Or worse yet, when you realize the hot new pop star is young enough to be your child.

    14. When one of your young co-workers mentions their favorite childhood TV show, and you realize that you were in college when it first aired.

    15. When you unexpectedly get a backache — FOR NO REASON.

    16. When you realize you made plans for Saturday night, and all you really want to do is stay home in bed and watch Netflix.

    17. When you realize you are older than your parents were when they had you, and that they already had their shit together at that age.

    18. When you get your invitation to your 20-year high school reunion.