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Emma Watson Told A Young Girl To Ignore Her Dad's Advice And Be An Engineer

A reminder that Watson is a wonderful person.

While Emma Watson was promoting the UN Women's HeForShe campaign, she took the time to tweet messages of support to young women who asked her how they can tackle gender equality in their lives.

As the ambassador for the campaign, the actor has been encouraging men and boys to take action against inequalities faced by women and girls.

Last September, Watson gave a speech about gender equality at the UN headquarters that was widely celebrated. Following the speech, the campaign drew 100,000 male supporters of the campaign in a mere three days.

In a Twitter Q&A she conducted about #HeForShe during her time at Davos last week, Watson answered many questions about the campaign.

But because she's such a wonderful person, she also took the time to answer questions about gender equality asked by young women:

@Kimberly_2101 @UN_Women @HeforShe @e_nyamayaro @phumzileunwomen Give them a well intentioned but meaningful response. : ) Awareness IS key.

Watson was asked by a young woman what is the best piece of advice she could give to girls like herself:

@TaylaGregson @HeforShe Don't expect change to happen overnight, even if its not always visible it's making more impact than you think

Then when one woman asked what trait everyone fighting for equality should have, Watson answered with just one word:

@archangel_grl @UN_Women @HeforShe Conviction.

She gave some smart advice on how to handle people who don't understand the idea of gender equality:

@hairoutine Explain why it should be important to them. I don't see how there can be downsides for anyone to equality. #Impact10x10x10

It wasn't just women she answered, either. When one man asked her for her opinion on women working in the military, Watson said that a woman can do whatever job they want to do:

@DaveDKT26 Whatever the job is - if she can do it she should be able to .#HeForShe

When Watson was asked whether women should aspire to marry and have kids, or have a successful career, she gave a badass response:

@TheWyfeOfBathe Why not have both?

For girls and women struggling with internalised sexism, Watson said that acknowledging it is key to tackling it:

When asked about her biggest piece of advice for women or men tackling discrimination and sexism, Watson spurred one girl on:

She encouraged one young woman to speak her mind and not to hold back about telling others about her support for gender equality:

@duuhhnese Yes! Tell them how it is for you

But perhaps the best piece of advice Watson gave was to a young girl who was unsure about becoming an engineer because her father said it was a "man's" profession:

@lordvoldemot @HeforShe Become an engineer.

Let this serve as a reminder to young women: Ladies, Emma Watson has got your back.