"Scumbag Steve": Trump Is "One Of The Biggest Scumbags Around"

"Scumbags lie."

The man behind the "Scumbag Steve" internet meme that went viral in 2011 says his online scumbag persona pales in comparison to Donald Trump, whom he called "one of the biggest scumbags around."

Blake Boston's face went viral when a photo of him wearing a puffy coat and a flat-brimmed backwards baseball cap made it's way onto Reddit and was quickly transformed into the "Scumbag Steve" meme. Boston says that as the internet's pre-eminent scumbag, he knows a scumbag when he sees one.

"Being considered the quintessential internet scumbag, known worldwide — bragging in Trump fashion — I can, without any hesitation, say that Trump is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist, bully, and beyond measure one of the biggest scumbags around," Boston told BuzzFeed News.

Boston, a Democrat and prolific political tweeter, said he didn't think Trump understood how the Constitution or government works, and added that Trump's continued verbal taunts of others are signs of deep insecurities about himself.

"He's that asshole scumbag that insults someone's physical make up and thinks he's got a good comeback," Boston said. "Calling people fat, short, ugly, poor, smelly, a dummy, etc., are what his pubescent mind thinks are character flaw. So many of his put-downs involve what Trump must feel are physical deficits in himself. And the irony is that he wants to sue anyone that he feels disparages him. He can call people out but he can't take it. So much so that he wants to fuck with the First Amendment. Who the fuck but a scumbag would mess with that?"

Boston concluded by saying, "Damn, let's hope I don't get sued. The man's a liar. Plain and simple he lies. Scumbags lie."

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