16 Pictures That Will Make You Drop Everything And Order A Burrito


    1. BURRITOS. We all know them well. In fact, you probably want one right now, don'tcha?

    2. Like maybe this perfectly packed breakfast burrito?

    3. Or this potato-y piece?

    4. This basically pornographic bite could be yours.

    5. Maybe you like your burritos wet. 👀

    6. Or coy, with just a litttttle shrimp.

    7. Or with — unfff — fries.

    8. 😛

    9. THE OOZE.

    10. A+ burrito-ing.

    11. Packed to the gills with everything good.

    12. A work of art, honestly.

    13. That melty cheese, C'MONNNNN.

    14. These perfect f’n proportions, JEEZ.

    15. What did we do to deserve this bounty?

    16. So gather your favorite sauces...

    17. And get yourself a goddamn burrito.

    18. Cheers.