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24 People Who Seriously Needed To Calm Down In 2017

The madness needs to stop! Via r/madlads.

1. This hardened criminal who shuns the rule of law.

2. This father who is out of control!

3. This madman who caused absolute chaos in the kitchen.

4. And this super-random person who should forever be kept away from food.

5. This rebel who will not be stopped from doing whatever the hell he wants.

6. This guy who nearly broke the whole goddamn internet.

7. This delinquent who will break any damn law he chooses to.

8. This guy who you SERIOUSLY do not want to piss off.

9. This worker who is completely out of control.

10. This lad who gets unpredictable after a few drinks.

11. This gamer who seriously needs to calm the fuck down.

12. This anarchist who has ZERO care for his wellbeing.

13. How could anyone sleep at night after doing something like this?

14. Do these people have no conscience?

15. How is this even legal?

16. Lock these guys up and throw away the key.

17. Someone call the fashion police! 🚨🚨🚨

18. Absolute madness.


20. And what madness happened here???

21. I'm sorry, but you did what???

22. I can't even look at the mayhem.

23. "Whoops."

24. And last but not least, this guy…

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