17 Tweets That Are Too Fuckin' Real For Anyone With Facebook And Twitter

    "It's a job you need, Lauren, not another boyfriend" — a mom on Facebook

    1. When you have to laugh at how stupid some people can be:

    This is why I loathe Facebook. Not only is this bashing women to praise woman soldiers but that's Jessica Simpson -_-

    2. When Twitter turns from cute to crazy:

    Twitter: Here’s a photo of my cute children playing with their new puppy aww 😘 | | 638 more replies | | No I didn’… https://t.co/1sY01T4jgA

    3. When you realize some of your Facebook friends are unique people...

    People on facebook are a different breed

    4. ...with something unique to offer:

    5. When your personas on Facebook and Twitter are drastically different:

    from left to right: me on twitter, facebook, tumblr, instagram, and linkedin

    6. Drastically.

    7. When your mom overshares on Facebook:

    Why can't my mom just say she had a nice night

    8. Or when your dad overshares on Twitter:

    That Proud Dad Moment when you go to the Liquor Store and Find Your Sons Confiscated Fake ID Displayed on the Wall… https://t.co/x9Q43c52S0

    9. When your mom drags your ex because they're friends:

    my ex posted a pic of him & his newest fling on facebook, & the caption was “ain’t she pretty” & my mom’s petty ass… https://t.co/pjicCc4iNx

    10. Or when she drags your cousin:

    My mums just commented this on my cousins Fb status, AHAHAHA wee savage Ang😂😂😂

    11. When you get unfriended by family members and it's awk AF:

    My aunt unfriended me on Facebook so I can guarantee you that I will bring it up and ruin Thanksgiving this year.

    12. Or when someone who seems nice on Facebook turns savage:

    Fucksake Shirley don't hold back 😭😂

    13. When you get called out Twitter:

    14. Or royally fuck up:

    15. When Twitter starts to feel like a class:

    me after reading two tweets that were longer than 140 characters

    16. Or when you get added to a weird (or dangerous, in this case) Twitter group:

    17. And finally, when you realize you're addicted:

    (refreshes twitter repeatedly) I can't believe NOBODY has tweeted anything for 14 entire seconds