8 Things To Know If You’re Trying To Lose Weight But Refuse To Give Up Holiday Foods

    Nonfat eggnog and and sugar-free cakes are gross. Don’t @me.

    1. This holiday season, we're here to tell you to stop worrying about all the food you're going to eat — especially if you're trying to lose weight.

    2. Forget about calories, carbs, or whatever else concerns you for just a couple of meals, and actually enjoy the food your mama made ya (or whoever it is that's cooking).

    3. Also, a holiday meal or two probably isn't going to add on as many pounds as you think.

    4. And stressing over all the food you're eating, and trying to make up for it with nonfat/sugar-free/light substitutes might end up backfiring.

    5. Instead of continuing to try to lose weight during the holidays, focus instead on maintaining your weight and enjoying yourself.

    6. And rather than putting effort into restricting yourself, spend some time cultivating helpful food habits, like paying attention to portions and listening to when your body is full.

    7. Eating breakfast and lunch — rather than saving your appetite — will keep you from becoming a ravenous monster, too.

    8. With all that said, remember that you want to get to a point where you don't really have to think about every last calorie every time you eat.

    In conclusion: Enjoy the holidays and the delicious food they bring to us!