This is Jahan Taab, a 22-year-old student from Afghanistan's Daikundi province. A photo of her taking an exam while nursing her baby recently went viral.

She was taking the social science entrance exam for a private university in Kabul when her baby started crying.

People online loved the image and loved what it says about Afghanistan.
Inspiring photo from social media: this mother is taking university entrance exam while taking care of her child, in Daikundi. Afghan women are unstoppable.
Wow! This picture makes us feel better. In order to say no to the ignorance, this #woman in central #Daikundi province of #afg while hugging her child participated in Kankor exam to join university & bring positive changes to her family's life. Photo: social media
Many people said they hoped the child would grow up in a better Afghanistan.
Twenty years from now, that child will see this photo in a better Afghanistan (...where the wars, the suffering will become history, photos like these a reminder of the strength of those who stood firm in the face of it all) #fb
Women's rights have made some strides in the past decade, but many gains have been hampered by entrenched societal attitudes.
So, although women were allocated 25% of seats in the country's parliament, many public institutions remain unwelcoming to women.
Women still struggle to make it into higher education, according to a Human Rights Watch report last year. Two-thirds of girls do not attend school. Insecurity, poverty, and displacement prevent many girls from attending school, Liesl Gerntholtz, women’s rights director at the international NGO, said.
Only f our mums have a chance...miracles can happen. #MyAmazingMum used to work as walnut breaker to save us when males in the family went jobless. Women staying hungry to feed one of us - not once or twice. But they had great vision by setting a red line: Never miss a class
#fight to learn education, #JahanTaab women from #Daikundi. she is committed to pass long miles with her son to participate in #Kankoor examination... #Life #women #eagerness
The good news is that Taab passed her exam (by 152 points!).

When her picture went viral, though, many people have offered to try to help her.
She is #JahanTaab, from Oshto Village of #Daikundi- a poor village without way for 🚘. She passed the kankor Exam by 152 points. She will study sociology in a private university, but she is not sure can she provide the 10k-12k AFN fees for university every semester?.
A GoFundMe was set up by the Afghan Youth Association, a UK-based charity, which said that the money raised would be handed to Taab in person.
A spokesperson for the Afghan Youth Association told BuzzFeed News they had found and contacted Taab, who was "very happy" after learning about the publicity. The charity's fundraising efforts raised £810 in less than 24 hours. The spokesperson added that they'll continue to fundraise so they can raise the full amount needed for her three years at university.
BuzzFeed News has contacted GoFundMe for more information.
Is here a way people can help?...beyond GoFundMe pages... maybe Afghan clubs in uni’s should joint forces and help with educational fees for #JahanTaab Where’s all that cupcake $ goin?