We Need To Talk About How Mayo Is The Condiment Of The Gods

    You are beautiful no matter what they say...

    Everyone needs to just STFU with their mayonnaise hate.

    Mayo never did anything to you.

    It just wants to exist.

    To help your favorite foods taste better.

    To be the perfect dollop that completes your french fries.

    To help you make the best macaroni salad ever.

    And the most amazing potato salad ever.

    You can have a lot...

    ...Or a little.

    Mayo just wants to fit in.

    Just don't acccidentally mistake it for Miracle Whip.

    It's only trying to add a burst of flavor to your boring turkey sandwich.

    And help you create a delectable tuna salad sandwich.

    It can be applied in glorious zigzags.

    Or in impossibly gorgeous spirals.

    No other condiment can pull off this literal work of art:

    So, come on, let's all give mayo a little love.