People Are Upset With Stupid Ass Anthony Weiner About This Email Thing

    This fucking guy.

    So, it turns out the new Clinton-related emails the FBI is now investigating came to light during an investigation of Anthony Weiner's sexting, because of course they fucking did.

    Anthony Weiner's continued existence seems like proof that the Clintons don't actually go around killing people who pose a risk to them

    Some people are kind of pissed about it...

    Anthony Weiner, the gift that keeps on giving!! in the sense that Pandora's Box was a gift that kept on giving

    ...and others are like, "of course this has happened."

    So Chekhov's proverbial gun in the first act that goes off in the third is Anthony Weiner.

    "Of course this is all thanks to Anthony goddamn Weiner."

    Time is a flat circle, back to Anthony Weiner

    Because what is a political scandal without a little Weiner trouble?

    People aren't happy.

    has there ever been a more dramatic example of a man tripping over his own dick than anthony weiner

    And are thinking about the consequences the ongoing Weiner drama may have on the world.

    t h i s i s h o w t h e weiner o r l d e n d s

    But also, people aren't that surprised.

    there's something weirdly poetic about Anthony Weiner being the thing that could actually throw the election to Trump.

    We should have seen this coming a mile off.

    As a nation, we never should have invaded Iraq, or provided Anthony Weiner with Internet access.

    It's a classic TV plot move, the Weiner twist.

    Bringing back the Weiner subplot is a classic season finale twist

    Except it's not TV, it's real life, hahahahaha.

    Everyone thought the Anthony Weiner subplot was irrelevant, but the writers found a clever way to tie it to the main story's season finale

    At this point it feels like another inevitable ridiculous twist in this stupid ass dumpster fire that is 2016.

    *a year from now* The last human, moments from radiation-death, utters the species' final words to no one Why did Anthony Weiner

    Just, Anthony Weiner, man.

    This fucking guy.

    Anthony Weiner better find a panic room to lock himself in

    This stupid ass MAN.


    They're gonna have to keep making Anthony Weiner documentaries every couple years like the "Up" series.

    How will we explain this to our children?

    "And the guy's name was Anthony WEINER? Come on" - high school AP U.S. history student, 2046

    Only 11 more days, people!