17 Things No One Tells You About Breast Cancer

    "I didn't do anything to get cancer."

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what they wish people knew about breast cancer. Here are their responses:

    1. Breast cancer isn't something you can overcome with sheer will.

    2. And dying from cancer doesn't mean someone didn't fight hard enough.

    3. Breast cancer can hit anyone...

    4. ...Of any age...

    5. ...And any gender.

    6. And most people don't know 'why' they got breast cancer.

    7. Sometimes, all the pink ribbons and fun runs can be isolating and distracting.

    "The party atmosphere often surrounding pink ribbon promotions and campaigns conceals the harsh, devastating effects of breast cancer. We are not celebrating a holiday. This is not a sporting event where the side wearing the most team colors wins. Many women afflicted by breast cancer are troubled with how the pink marketing culture has distracted us from the goal of a cure, and as someone diagnosed with the disease in 2011, I feel the same way."

    —Camille Gryszka Miller, Facebook

    8. Just because someone seems incredibly brave, that doesn't mean they aren't also scared shitless.

    9. It can be awkward and uncomfortable to talk about your breast cancer.

    10. But please, don't pull away from your friends who are sick.

    11. If you have no idea where to start, just ask how you can help.

    12. Catchy slogans may raise awareness, but they're not always helpful and relatable.

    13. While positivity is always welcome, please don't downplay the severity of this disease.

    14. And remember, having a mastectomy with breast reconstruction surgery isn't really the same as a typical breast augmentation.

    15. Even when someone seems to be healthy, that doesn't mean they aren't still dealing with mental, physical, or emotional aspects of the disease.

    16. Because sometimes what comes after breast cancer treatment can be the hardest part.

    17. Above all, be there for your loved ones living with breast cancer, and remind them of how important they truly are.

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