21 Old People Who Are Absolute Savages

    Old and ICE cold.

    1. Sharon and her devastating own.

    2. And Grandma Mary, who will drag you without shame.

    3. This painful trip to the burn center.

    4. Grandma Phyllis, who is just ice-cold.

    5. And this grandma who isn't here for your ghosting.

    6. Linda, who fucking CAME for Cindy.

    7. Grandpa Pete.

    8. And this grandpa, who did what we all secretly want to do in the group text.

    9. This old man who doesn't have time for your flower still-life bullshit.

    10. Nana's subtle drag.

    11. And this grandmother who found a new you already.

    my grandma is a savage and texted this to all the grandkids

    12. The nana who read you before you even realized it.

    13. This grandpa who wasn't born fucking yesterday.

    14. And also this grandpa.

    15. This grandma who refused to take a hint.

    Twitter: @bri_valdezz

    16. This savage Cards Against Humanity player.

    17. The old man who leaves these cards on windshields as, you know, a gift.

    18. This optimistic grandma.

    19. Jo Ann, who's NOT impressed.

    20. This grandma who gives zero fucks.

    21. And Grandma Pat, who is NOT a Kylie Jenner fan.