25 Secrets Plastic Surgeons Will Never Tell You

    There's a LOT more to it than just liposuction and boob jobs.

    Special thanks to the plastic surgeons who provided intel and anecdotes for this post: Dr. Daniel Maman, board-certified plastic surgeon with 740 Park Plastic Surgery, and Dr. Nolan Karp, board-certified plastic surgeon with Wyss Department of Plastic Surgery, NYU Langone Medical Center.

    1. No, we don't all live in mansions, wear Versace, and party on yachts every weekend.

    2. Most of us go into plastic surgery because we want to help people feel good about themselves and restore their confidence.

    3. But, sure, it's true that we do care about our appearance.

    4. Plastic surgery is an extraordinarily broad field that includes much more than just liposuction and making boobs bigger.

    5. It's actually one of the few specialties where you're certified to operate on anyone, at any age, on any part of the body.

    6. Plastic surgeons go to 14-plus years of school post–high school, and have one of the most intense residencies of all med students.

    7. There are two main types of plastic surgeries: aesthetic (cosmetic) and reconstructive.

    8. In plastic surgery there is no one ~right~ way to do a surgery. There can be over 25 ways to do the same procedure.

    9. That's why many plastic surgeons have an artistic background, whether in sculpting, painting, architecture, or photography.

    10. When possible, you should choose a plastic surgeon the same way you'd choose a tattoo artist.

    11. Fun fact: Botox isn't just for wrinkles. It can also be used to stop excessive sweating, migraine headaches, and eyelid or eyebrow twitching.

    12. The most common areas for liposuction are the abdomen, back, and thighs.

    13. We generally turn down about 30% of people who come in for aesthetic surgery consultations because their expectations are unrealistic or unhealthy.

    14. And no, we don't do penis enlargements.

    15. We may experiment a little during a surgery to make sure it turns out ~perfect~, just how the patient wants it.

    16. Plastic surgery isn't just for the rich and famous.

    17. Our days can sometimes be a mix of consultations, surgeries, filler injections, and checkups.

    18. We often explain to people that liposuction isn't a substitute for diet and exercise, but it can help shape your body.

    19. Some of us will try to avoid telling people we're plastic surgeons outside of work.

    20. So if you see us outside of our office, please don't bring over your friend, your mother, or your mother's friend to see what we can "do for them."

    21. Bargain shopping for plastic surgery isn't recommended. In most cases, you get what you pay for.

    22. We try not to judge people's appearances during everyday situations, but sometimes it happens.

    23. Some procedures can take up to 12 hours.

    24. And our jobs still get emotional, especially with patients who've had mastectomies.

    25. We feel lucky that plastic surgery is primarily a very happy field where patient satisfaction is incredibly high.