15 Signs Your Personality Type Is "Hot Mess"

    Clean up on aisle you.

    1. Your emotions swing back and forth pretty rapidly.

    2. And you only have two modes when it comes to socializing.

    3. You literally need a hot bath almost every day just to unwind.

    4. You always try to put your best foot forward but usually end up like this.

    5. You can only focus when everything is JUST RIGHT.

    6. You don't always think things through.

    7. And your ability to predict situations isn't perfect.

    8. You have many different personalities and refuse to choose one.

    9. You make a big deal out of weird things.

    10. And your internal temperature is all over the place.

    11. This is how you hang your clothes.

    12. Making simple decisions can be more than a little time-consuming.

    13. And you have VERY strong opinions.

    14. The idea of not eating a treat right away is ridiculous.

    15. This cabinet basically represents your life.