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Please Help Me Answer This Very Important Snake Question

Legs get to it.

Hi, my name is Julie and I don't like snakes. After careful consideration, one of my main problems with snakes is that they are long and slithery and they don't have legs. This just seems WRONG.

I know, the "no legs" thing seems to work for them. But from a marketing and branding stance, it's making them very, very unlikeable.

Also, having no legs means things like THIS can happen:

And don't even get me started on Australia's long history of snake fuckery.

So! Given that their lack of legs is probably, certainly, contributing to their poor reception, I've resolved to explore a snake-with-legs world. But what woulllld that look like?

Like, IF snakes had legs, would they have four legs, strategically placed at either ends of their bodies?

Or would they have four legs at the front of their bodies with a long tail trailing behind?

OOOOOOOORRRRR would these snake-a-roonies have a multitude of legs along the entirety of their bodies, kind of like a centipede or something?

So, what do you think? Help answer this Very Important Theoretical Question.